
Welcome to the website of Northwest Christian Church of McKinney, Texas.  We invite you to look around, find out where we’re located and get directions, then come and visit us.  We have a time of fellowship each Sunday, prior to our Sunday School time, of coffee and donuts and if you want to come and be our guest for that, please feel free to come at 9:30 a.m..  It would be a great time to get to visit with some of our church family in an informal setting.  We would be absolutely delighted to have you as our guest this Sunday!

Our address is:  1513 N. Bradley St., McKinney, TX. 75069 (just a couple of blocks off eastbound University [otherwise known as Hwy. 380]) and our phone number is:  972-542-7785.

You can stay up-to-date with what’s going on here at Northwest by visiting the church announcement page of this website.  You can also find out more about us, and read our mission and vision statement.

If you have any questions about our congregation that are not answered here on our website, please contact us with them.  Thank you!