Visit Us

Letter from the Minister to visitors to the website:

“Dear Friends,

If you are new to the McKinney area, on behalf of Northwest Christian Church of McKinney, allow me to be among the first to welcome you (and your family)  here.  If you are a new, or returning, visitor to our website, let me also welcome you as well.  As you know, one of the important choices many people face as they become acquainted with a new area, or just with life in general, is the decision regarding a new church home.  We would like to invite you to consider visiting our worship services and even consider making Northwest Christian Church your place of worship, growth, fellowship and service.

Northwest Christian Church is a small, informal, friendly, family-oriented church where Bible teaching, fellowship and prayer are priorities.   We want you to know that you are invited and welcome here!  Come let us grow together!!

Please click here for our service times.

If we can be of service to you in any way, please contact us.  May God bless you and your family this year.


Dr. Bill Rosnett, Minister